I had been struggling to figure out what do with my professional life and career direction. Now, I’m more equipped at understanding myself: my strengths, skills, personality and values. I notice that I continue to evolve and become even more aware of what I’m looking for from work, jobs, professions and a career. I’m a deeper thinker and more insightful of where and how I fit within the working world now.
— Cody
 I’ve come so far already. It’s actually shocking to me to see it. I don’t dread work the way I was dreading it. I’ve put everything into perspective while I figure out what I do enjoy. When we first bean, I was so confused with what I wanted to do, or where to even go to start exploring what to do, and I feel so much more clarity. In my head, I don’t feel that fog of confusion about where I’m going with my life.
— Lauren H.

Our session literally changed my life. I found my bravery. I feel like I am more known, have a boundary, and stood up for me. I feel more myself even in the same situation. You gave me tools to stop the room on fire!
— Neena H.
What’s changed is that now I believe that I can handle what’s ahead. I have clearer thoughts that make me more resilient. What was hard was confronting deep feelings that sometimes we try to run from, because they are uncomfortable and messy. But in doing so, I have realized I can handle it and grow even more. Now I have freedom. And the fact that I can embody and model this for my kids is invaluable

My biggest takeaway were the actionable steps Catherine helped me create and execute. That was huge step for me. The coaching was wonderful - I was able to arrive at my own ideas while also being guiding me towards the desired outcomes. Thank you!

The session was delightful and exactly what I needed. Catherine creates a lighthearted safe place to explore your ideas. She asks amazing questions that guide you to think about your business in a whole new way. I left the session full of new ideas, with more clarity on my next steps, and best of all, a sense of lightness about the project. I felt renewed motivation to create and knew that both my head and my heart were invited to the party.
— Kim Job,

Catherine is an excellent coach. During the pandemic, my whole world was turned upside down and I was in full panic mode. Catherine helped me come up with strategies that actually worked so I was able to respond to work and family needs in a thoughtful way. Now, I feel more in control of my life. She’s helping me plan for the. next chapter of my career and really expand my business in a way that brings me joy and fits my new outlook on life.
— Randie Richmond, New Jersey

Before coaching, I had a perfect-on-paper life, and yet I wanted something very different for my work. I just didn’t know exactly what. I’m so grateful for working with Catherine because I would not have gotten unstuck without her support. Since starting with her, I launched a side business to begin my entrepreneurial portfolio. I’ve also managed to reach a retirement savings goal and launch a dinner club to bring more joy into my life.
— Alyssa Vigil, New York

I met Catherine when I was in full flight or fight mode, going through a divorce, then losing my job, navigating my new world as a single mom, then throw in a global pandemic with a 2 year old (and trying to date lol). Catherine has really helped give me the awareness and tools to transform the way I approach situations, emotions, and life overall. I am such a better version of myself today. I have really taken my power back from what I thought was all uncontrollable outside forces.
— Gina, New Jersey

This gave me the permission to say what I wanted to say about my work, but didn’t dare to. The fact that you wrote it down instead of me was so incredibly helpful because 1. it allowed me to believe (instead of feeling like a fraud who is lying about her work), 2. helped me make language choices that I was uncertain of making, 3. focused my copy and helped me let go of the fluff I didn’t need.
— Fleur De Vries, Communication Strategist

I felt stuck before we worked together. I knew my copy needed work but I didn’t know how or where to shift the language. This helped me hear my voice and see clearly what I wanted to say and what message I wanted to convey.
— Lindsey Pope, Instinctual Health

Now I have really solid copy that I can incorporate into my site and how I talk about myself. It also gave me more confidence because I feel seen and heard.
— Clara Miller, Health Coach